Statement of Purpose

To help create a world of unconditional responsibility;
This is a non-profit website that is dedicated to humanity, without reservation.
This wisdom is a gift. The truth should be offered with no restrictions.

Latest Update

2022-02-06 Alex Collier at the Mount Shasta Summer Conference 2021 August now online

Alex's Mount Shasta conference presentation transcript is now available online. Link

2022-01-26 Transcription System open to volunteers

Added link to transcription checking service - If you have a few spare minutes to help out we'd be grateful!.

2021-12-21 Website look revised

We have revised the look of the site to make it a bit easier to navigate as well as faster to load and display.

What is Letters from Andromeda (LFA)?

LFA is the brainchild of Alex Collier and Jon Robinson, created in the 1990s to help spread the Andromedans message through a traditional printed medium (this was before most people knew about the internet). While the printed LFA has not been in publication for years, scanned copies of the originals are available under Resources for you to download and read.

Who are the Andromedans?

The Andromedans come from the constellation of Andromeda (not to be confused with the galaxy of the same name). Their home planet is called Zenetae. Alex is one of the few contactees selected by them to be given important information about our past, present and future, so that we as citizens of earth can wake up and become responsible and self aware.

What is the purpose of this site?

This sites primary purposes is to help present historical information provided by the Andromedans that is already in the public domain, with the long term vision of providing as much information as possible as more humans become awake and seek out information not provided by the mainstream.

Where is the information?

Click on resources on the top navigation. Over time we are planning on progressively add content.

Do you have a few moments to help transcribe Alex's Lectures? - Volunteer your time.

We have created a system that leverages youtubes AI speech to text to help caption videos, however these captions while generally accurate can have a few mistakes and errors and if you have a few moments you can help correct mistakes in the captioning to help us create accurate transcripts of Alex's presentations.

The system (still in development) is designed to allow many people to work on a video at the same time and many hands make fast transcription. Basic instructions are provided and your time and effort would be appreciated. We also welcome any feedback you may have on the system so we can work on it and improve it.

When you click the link a new tab will open to the system. Thank you to the individuals who have shared these videos and thank you to those who give up a few minutes of their day to help this transcription process.

Begin Transcription